Here below are listed the most significant Projects carried out in the field of agriculture and fisheries, in 40 years of professional activity.

  • 1965-72 with important experiences in Africa e Brazil
  • 1973-87 with significant experiences both professional and managerial in Nigeria
  • 1988-92 in which as CEO of Agroteam implemented several projects all over the world, for the most part as winner of international tenders
  • 1993-98 with international projects mainly in Oman

1965-72 :: see gallery →

Preliminary and final design of a slaughterhouse in Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso (client: FED Fond Européen de Développement – contractor: Citaco of IRI group)
Burkina Faso (former Upper Volta) | EDILPLAN

Preliminary design of a Market of National Interest in Brazil including slaughterhouse, agricultural and allied industries (Client: Citaco of IRI Group)

Preliminary Design and Feasibility Study of a Slaughterhouse and canned meat factory in the Democratic Republic of Somalia (Client: Citaco of IRI Group)
Somalia | EDILPLAN

Team member of the Tender for 5 rice processing factories in Ivory Coast (Client: Ministry of Agriculture)

Team member of the Tender for 15 factories for peanuts stocking in Senegal (Client: Ministry of Agriculture)

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1973-87 :: see gallery →

Turn key project (design and construction) of the Kano Cold Store, a meat refrigeration plant of 6,400 cu.m for the cold storage and distribution of butchered meat (Client: Kano State Government)
Nigeria | ICA/TEAM Group

Turn key project (design and construction) of the Bagauda cattle ranch, a livestock farm for 2,000 heads and breding centre with veterinary facilities, workers village, ancillary buildings, etc. (Client: Kano State Government)
Nigeria | ICA/TEAM Group

Turn key project (design and construction) of 3 Fish processing plants in Makurdi, Baga and Yelwa, each consisting of a cold storage, ice production, processing and distribution of fresh water fish (Client: Federal Ministry of Agriculture – Dept. od Fisheries)
Nigeria | ICA/TEAM Group

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1988-92 :: see gallery →

Aquaculture plant in Ajim-Djerba: evaluation and technical survey of works (Client: ICE Italian Foreign Trade Institute – STUSID Société Tunisio-Saoudienne d’Investissement et de Développement)
Tunisia | AgroTeam

Development of aquaculture along the Aegean coast and implementation of a pilot plant in Güllük area (Client: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Ministry of Agriculture, Turkey)
Turkey | AgroTeam

Integrated aquaculture plan of Nigeria including hatcheries, brood stock ponds etc. in Oluponna, Oyo State (Client: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, Nigeria)
Nigeria | AgroTeam

Development plan of the fisheries sector of Mexico: analysis of fishing activities and project for preservation plants and fish treatment (Client: E.E.C.)
Mexico | AgroTeam

Tender for a programme of integrated rural development of the department of Sedhiou – Casamance; Consortium DIPENTA/TEAM/FINTEC (Client: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – E.E.C.)
Senegal | AgroTeam

Development of aquaculture plan of the Aegean coast, technical training programme for Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, design and construction of Guvercinlik Hatchery in Bodrum area (Client: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Turkey | AgroTeam

Technical assistance for the development of fisheries sector in Uruguay: study and evaluation of fish catching and development of productive and processing technologies (Client: E.E.C.)
Uruguay | AgroTeam

Technical assistance for the development of fruit and vegetable culture in Uruguay: study and evaluation of the production capacity and development project for the industrial sector in co-operation with IFAGRARIA Spa (Client: E.E.C.)
Uruguay | AgroTeam

Turn key project (design and construction) of the Cataluna aquaculture centre of San Carlos de la Rapita (Client: Generalidad de Cataluña; Ministry of Agriculture, Farming and Fishery)
Spain | AgroTeam

Project for the development of the fisheries sector in the Peninsula of Yucatan: implementation of a pilot centre for valuable fishing species: training and introduction of innovative fishing techniques, refrigeration chain and board preservation (Client: E.E.C.)
Mexico | AgroTeam

Proposal for the implementation of the National Centre for food package design and testing in Izmir, Turkey (Client: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – State Planning Organisation of Turkey)
Turkey | AgroTeam

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1993-98 :: see gallery →

Consulting for the evaluation of the seaweed resources and subsequent proposal for the industrial applications in Oman (Client: Omani Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries)
Oman | Berardi & Associati

Consulting study with relevance to innovating the present artisanal fishing and aquaculture system suitable for Omani waters (Client: Omani Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries)
Oman | Berardi & Associati

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